


超大型積體電路設計暨計算機輔助設計技術研討會 (VLSI Design/CAD Symposium) 將於 2019 年 8 月 6 日至 9 日假高雄義大皇家酒店舉行。

本屆大會由國立中正大學承辦,以「 A Smart World through AI / IoT 」為主題,依研究主題區分為25個次領域,公開廣徵各界稿件;除了口頭及海報論文發表及短期課程外,也邀請多位國內外產學界菁英針對人工智慧與物聯網進行專題演講,同時安排一系列設計與量測前瞻技術論壇和動態展示等活動。


徵稿期間:投稿系統開放日~ 2019 年 6 月 6 日止
論文錄取通知日:2019 年 6 月 28 日

  1. 投稿錄取論文 : 須至少一位作者註冊並出席發表或海報展示說明。
  2. 大會設有最佳論文(Best Paper)獎項,歡迎各界踴躍投稿,共同參與難得的年度盛會。


Analog & RF
  1. Biomedical Circuits and Systems
  2. Data Converters
  3. Green Power Electronics Circuits and Systems
  4. PLLs, DLLs, and Wireline Transceivers
  5. RF/mm-Wave Circuits and Wireless Transceiver
  6. Sensors Interfaces, Imagers, Displays, and MEMS
  7. Others

EDA & Testing
  1. DFT and Fault Modeling
  2. Mixed-Signal/RF/Memory/MEMS Test
  3. Physical-Level Synthesis/Optimization/Verification
  4. SiP/SOC Test/Reliability and Security
  5. System and Logic Level Modeling/Synthesis/Optimization/Verification
  6. Timing/Power/Thermal Optimization and DFM
  7. Others

Digital & System
  1. Communication Circuits and Systems
  2. Digital Circuits/FPGA Prototyping/Embedded System
  3. Multi-Core/NoC/ASIC Design
  4. Neural Networks and Neuromorphic Engineering
  5. Signal Processing ICs
  6. Artificial Intelligent Accelerator
  7. Others

Emerging Technology
  1. Automotive Electronics/Systems
  2. Green Energy Systems
  3. Cloud Computing
  4. Intelligent Sensors
  5. Internet of Things
  6. Artificial Intelligent Circuits and Systems
  7. Lab-on-a-Chip
  8. Others


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