
Title: Compiler Design
Time: Tuesday 09:10-12:00
Place: W100


A compiler is a program that translates programs written in a source language into programs written in a target language. This course introduces the techniques and tools for constructing a compiler. An emphasis is also placed on a programming project that applies the techniques and tools learned from the course to implement a compiler for a small language.


Nai-Wei Lin

Teaching Assistants


Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2007.

Course Format

Course Policies

Without a prior arrangement, a missed examination results in a grade of zero. The grade for a late assignment or project is deducted by 5 for each day delayed. The grade for a late assignment or project is zero if it is delayed more than 7 days. A miss of an examination, an assignment, or a project results in a grade of zero for the semester. Assignments and projects in this course require individual attention and effort to be of any benefit. Unless otherwise stated, all assignment or project work is expected to be that of each student alone, and not the product of team efforts or collaboration with other authors. Plagiarism or the incorporation of another student's words or ideas constitutes theft of intellectual property; it will results in a grade of zero for the semester.





