Professional Services
- Steering Committee, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2017-)
- Steering Committee, IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (2014-)
- Steering Committee Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (2019-)
- Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (2019-)
- Vice Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (2014-2019)
- Executive Committee, IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (2008-2012, 2016-2017)
- Regional Director (Asia-Pacific), Future Generation Research Association (2010-)
- 理事長, 台灣雲端技術學會 (2021-)
- 理事, 台灣智慧技術學會 (2019-2021)
- 執行秘書(第一屆, 第二屆), 台灣雲端計算學會 (2011-2013, 2015-2017)
- 常務理事 (第三屆, 第五屆, 第七屆), 台灣雲端計算學會 (2011-2013, 2015-2017, 2019-2021)
- 理事(第一屆, 第二屆, 第四屆, 第六屆), 台灣雲端計算學會 (2007-2011, 2013-2015, 2017-2019)
- 監事, 國際工程與科技學會(IET)中華民國分會 (2014-2015)
- 執行秘書, 台灣網格計算學會 (2010-2011)
Journals Editorship
- International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing
- International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
Associate Editor
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2013-)
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (2011-)
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (2022-)
- Journal of Cloud Computing (2021 -)
- Journal of Computational Science (2012-)
- International Journal of Communication Systems (2012-)
- International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (2021-)
- AutoSoft Journal (2017-2018)
- Computers and Electrical Engineering (2013-2017)
- International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (2013-)
- International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing
- International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies (2014-)
- International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (2012-)
- Frontiers in High Performance Computing (2022-)
- Journal of Convergence (2013-)
- ITSC technical community of ASABE (2019-)
Editorial Board Members
- International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science
- Journal of Platform Technology
- International Journal of Computer Systems
- Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence
- International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
- International Journal of Next-Generation Computing
- International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies
Guest Editor (completed)
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (Q1)
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Q1)
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (Q1)
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (Q1)
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Q1)
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (Q1)
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (Q1)
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (Q1)
- IEEE Wireless Communication (Q1)
- IEEE Open Journal Communications Society (Q1)
- IEEE Systems Journal (Q1)
- ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (Q1)
- ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (Q1)
- Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (Q1)
- Computer Communication (Q1)
- Automated Software Engineering (Q2)
- BioMed Research International (Q2)
- China Communications (Q3)
- Computer Networks (Q1)
- Computer and Electrical Engineering (Q2)
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Q2)
- Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (Q3)
- Design Automation for Embedded Systems (Q2)
- Future Generation Computer Systems (Q1)
- International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubquitous Computing (Q4)
- International Journal of Communication Systems (Q2)
- Information System Frontiers (Q2)
- International Journal of Parallel Programming (Q2)
- Journal of Supercomputing (Q2)
- Journal of Systems Architecture (Q2)
- Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (Q1)
- Journal of Internet Technology (Q3)
- Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (Q2)
- Journal of Computational Science (Q2)
- Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Comp (Q2)
- Mobile Information Systems (Q3)
- Neurocomputing (Q1)
- Neural Computing and Applications (Q2)
- Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Q3)
- Sensors (Q2)
- Telecommunication Systems (Q1)
- Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Q2)
Guest Editor (On-Going)
Conference Chairs / Committees
- Steering Committee - IEEE SAGC 2021, IEEE DataCom, IEEE SC2, IEEE SOCA, IOV, IEEE ICGCIoT, I-SPAN, MTPP
- International Advisory Committee - IEEE CBDCom 2019, Platcon 2017, SC2 2015, IEEE UIC 2013, IEEE CloudCom 2010, IEEE APSCC 2009.
- General Chair / Advisory Board - ICACTA 2023, IEEE SAGC 2020, IEEE ISPAN 2017, PlatCon 2016, IEEE CloudCom Asia 2015, IEEE SC2 2014, IEEE ISPAN 2014, IOV 2014, NPC 2014, IEEE CloudCom Asia 2013, IEEE CloudCom 2013, IEEE UIC 2012, IEEE APSCC 2012, IEEE CloudCom 2012, CCSI 2012, IEEE UIC 2011, IEEE APSCC 2011, IEEE ICA3PP 2010, MTPP 2010, IEEE ISPAN 2009, IEEE APSCC 2008.
- Program (Vice) Chair / Organizing Committee Chair - IEEE GlobeCom 2021, IEEE TrustCom 2021, ACM SIGMOD 2021 (BiDEDE), ICFOIT 2021, IEEE ISPA 2020, IEEE SAGC 2020, ISPAN 2019, IEEE Cluster 2016, IEEE Cloud 2016, IEEE AINA 2016, IEEE BigMM 2016, IEEE CloudCom Asia 2015, IEEE PDCAT 2015, IEEE DASC 2015, IEEE ISSRE 2015, IEEE BDC 2014, IEEE ISPAN 2014, IEEE UIC 2014, NPC 2014, CCIT 2014, ACSA 2014, NPC 2014, IEEE CloudCom Asia 2013, NPC 2013, IEEE CloudCom 2013, IEEE ICCVE 2013, IEEE ISPA 2013, IEEE SOSE 2013, IEEE MobileCloud 2013, IEEE AINA 2012, IEEE TrustCom 2012, IEEE APSCC 2012, IEEE CloudCom 2012, IEEE UIC 2012, IEEE CloudCom 2011, IEEE UIC 2011, IEEE ICEBE 2011, IEEE SOSE 2011, IEEE CEC 2011, IEEE APSCC 2011, ICPP 2011, ISPAN 2011, IEEE SocialCom 2010, TAAI 2010, PDCAT 2010, IEEE AINA 2010, ICA3PP 2010, IEEE CSE 2009, IEEE SOCA 2009, IEEE HPCC 2009, IEEE APSCC 2008, IEEE CSE 2008, IEEE TSP 2008, ACCS 2008, GPC 2007, GPC 2006.
- Program Committee - IEEE EDGE 2022, IEEE Big Data 2022(Osaka, Japan), IEEE ICC 2022 Workshop (Seoul, South Korea), ESKM 2022 (Kanazawa, Japan), SmartCNS-2021 (London, UK), IEEE BigData Workshop SCDM 2021(Orlando, FL, USA), IEEE Edge 2021 (Guangzhou, China), SmartCNS-2021 (London, UK), ICCCN 2021 (UK), IEEE BigData 2021 (Orlando, Florida, USA), RuleML+RR 2021 (Leuven, Belgium) , IEEE CCGrid 2021(Melbourne, Australia), BDAI 2021(Qingdao, China), CBIoT 2021 (Australia), ACM Middleware 2021 (Canada), ESKM 2021 (Niigata, Japan), IEEE BigData Congress 2017 (USA), IEEE PICom 2017 (USA), IEEE ICWS 2017 (USA), IEEE Cloud 2017 (USA), IEEE BigDataService 2017 (USA), IEEE CIT 2017 (Finland), GPC 2017 (Italy), IEEE Mobile Cloud 2017 (USA), IEEE iThings 2017 (UK), HPCS 2017 (Italy), IEEE CIT 2016 (Fiji), IEEE/ACM BDSEA 2016 (China), IEEE BigData Congress 2016 (USA), IEEE Cloud 2016 (USA), IEEE ICWS 2016 (USA), IEEE BigDataSE 2016 (China), IEEE TrustCom 2016 (China), IEEE Mobile Cloud 2016 (UK), IEEE IC2E 2016 (Germany), IEEE PICom 2016 (New Zealand), IEEE WCNC 2016 (Qatar), IEEE IUCC 2016 (Spain), IEEE DSDIS 2015 (Australia), IEEE STC 2015 (USA), IEEE Cloud 2015 (USA), IEEE HPCC 2015 (USA), IEEE GlobeCom 2015 (USA), IEEE BigData Congress 2015 (USA), IEEE TrustCom 2015 (Finland), IEEE CIT 2015 (UK), IEEE DASC 2015 (UK), IEEE HPCC 2014 (France), IEEE SOSE 2014 (USA).