Ching-Hsien Hsu || Robert || PhD
Chair Professor, College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Asia University, Taiwan
Dean, College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Asia University, Taiwan
President, Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing
Research Consultant, Dept. of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taiwan
Fellow of IET
Research Projects
  1. Trust Evaluation and Scheduling Optimization of Edge-Cloud Collaborative in Computing Power Network / 算力網路中邊雲協作的信任評估與優化調度研究, 113-2221-E-468-017-MY3, PI
  2. 綠色產業下的永續經濟創生研究(3/3), 113-2420-H-468-001-, Co-PI
  3. 元宇宙氛圍環繞之下設計人才培育的先期探討--總計畫暨子計畫一:元宇宙混合實境於產品設計討論中可扮演的積極角色研究, 112-2410-H-468-021-, Co-PI
  4. 教育大數據微學程計畫, 112.11~114.01, NTD 3,000,000, Co-PI
  5. 綠色產業下的永續經濟創生研究(2/3), 112-2420-H-468-001-, Co-PI
  6. 教育大數據微學程計畫, 111.11~113.01, NTD 2,240,835, PI
  7. 使用 Kubeflow 深度神經網路實現智慧皮膚癌診斷的敏捷開發, ASAI-111-CMUH-03, PI
  8. Migration at Scale in SDN-enabled Edge and Cloud Computing Systems / 基於軟體定義網路的邊-雲大規模計算遷移策略研究, 111-2221-E-468 -011 -MY3, NTD 2,527,000, PI
  9. 綠色產業下的永續經濟創生研究(1/3), 111-2420-H-468 -001 -, NTD 2,800,000, Co-PI
  10. 基於智慧邊緣計算與容器技術的深度學習方法應用於醫學影像的偵測與分類 Toward merging Edge AI and containers for Medical Image Detection and Classification using Deep Learning , (ASIA-110-CMUH-22), PI
  11. 印刷電路板瑕疵檢測之深度學習模型訓練與部署系統研發, 110-2622-E-A49A-508 -, NTD 686,700, Co-PI
  12. 「智慧感知與互動體驗」人才培育示範學校計畫(A類) , MOE, 2022-2023, NTD 1125,000, PI
  13. 雲端巨量資料平台開源系統軟體創作聯盟推動計畫-資料串流與訊息佇列技術 (IV), MOE, 2022-2023, NTD 625,000, PI
  14. Integrated Edge Orchestrator and Service Management Toward Efficient Multi-Vendor-IoT Interoperability / 基於智慧邊緣計算與服務管理架構設計高效多供應商物聯網協作, 110-2221-E-468 -006 -MY3, NTD 2,550,000, PI
  15. 「智慧感知與互動體驗」人才培育示範學校計畫(A類) , MOE, 2021-2022, NTD 1625,000, PI
  16. 雲端巨量資料平台開源系統軟體創作聯盟推動計畫-資料串流與訊息佇列技術 (III), MOE, 2021-2022, NTD 625,000, PI
  17. Cloud Computing Based Deep Learning for Tumour Image Detection and Classification with Data-Augmentation / 基於雲端深度學習與資料增強技術的腫瘤偵測與分類平台(ASIA-109-CMUH-25), NTD 270,000, PI
  18. V2X Application based on 5G Local Access Data Network / 第五代行動通訊網路切片與邊緣計算於車聯網之應用-總計畫暨子計畫一:邊緣計算於第五代行動通訊網路之車聯網應用(108-2221-E-194-019-MY3), NTD 5,092,000, Co-PI
  19. Dynamic Container Deployment, Migration and Load Balancing Technology for Supporting 5G Network Slicing / 支援5G網路切片之動態容器部署、遷移與負載平衡技術研究, MOST108-2221-E-468-023-MY3, NTD 2,812,000, PI
  20. Security-as-a-Service之可信任運算環境, 工研院斷金計畫, NTD 600,000, PI
  21. 雲端巨量資料平台開源系統軟體創作聯盟推動計畫-資料串流與訊息佇列技術 (II), MOE, 2019-2020, NTD 500,000, PI
  22. 雲端巨量資料平台開源系統軟體創作聯盟推動計畫-資料串流與訊息佇列技術 (I), MOE, 2018-2019, NTD 562,500, PI
  23. Dynamic Collaborative Computing for Multiple Workflows with QoS Constraints in Cross Clouds / 面向多雲環境保證多工作流服務質量的動態協同運算策略(107-2221-E-468-022-MY3), NTD 2,160,000, PI
  24. Design and Implementation of High Availability (HA) Cloud Systems based on Elastic Virtualized Resources / 基於虛擬化資源,研發具高可用性(HA)的雲端系統(2016-2019), MOST 105-2221-E-468-025-MY3, NTD 2,632,000, PI
  25. 雲運算技術與服務產學聯盟(3/3)(2018-2019), MOST 107-2622-8-007-004-TE2, NTD 2,800,000, Co-PI
  26. 多雲環境中支援大規模圖形計算應用的跨雲虛擬叢集運算系統(2017-2018), MOST 106-2221-E-142-002, NTD 585,000, Co-PI
  27. 雲運算技術與服務產學聯盟(2/3)(2017-2018), MOST-106-2622-8-007-005-TE2, NTD 2,288,000, Co-PI
  28. 高階軟體人才培育計畫(2017-2018), 工研院, 106-B02-004, NTD 1,225,200, PI
  29. 雲運算技術與服務產學聯盟(1/3)(2016-2017), MOST-105-2622-8-007-005-TE2, NTD 2,288,000, Co-PI
  30. Application Platform for Next Generation Communication and Networking – Development of an Urban Computing Platform / 前瞻通訊網路應用平台技術-城市計算平台之研發(3/3)(2016-2017), MOST 105-2218-E-007-011, NTD 4,800,000, Co-PI
  31. Dynamic Virtual Cluster Deployment towards Efficient NoSQL and Green Computing / 動態虛擬叢集佈署以加速NoSQL運算與節能研究(2013-2016), NSC 102-2221-E-216-008-MY3, NTD 1,507,000, PI
  32. Application Platform for Next Generation Communication and Networking – Development of an Urban Computing Platform / 前瞻通訊網路應用平台技術-城市計算平台之研發(2/3)(2015-2016), MOST 104-3115-E-007-004, NTD 5,002,000, Co-PI
  33. Distributed and Scalable Techniques towards Efficient, Green and Secure RFID systems / 以分散式可擴充技術實現高效、節能與安全的RFID系統(2013-2016), NSC102-2221-E-216-007-MY3, NTD 2,241,000, PI
  34. Construction of Audiovisual Based Intelligent Ecological Investigation and Navigation System / 智慧型動植物生態影音檢索與導覽系統之研發與建置(2013-2016), NSC102-2632-E-216-001-MY3, NT$ 12,000,000, Co-PI
  35. Application Platform for Next Generation Communication and Networking – Development of an Urban Computing Platform / 前瞻通訊網路應用平台技術-城市計算平台之研發(1/3)(2014-2015), MOST 103-2218-E-007-021, NTD 5,009,000, Co-PI
  36. Cloud Based Service System of Social Network for Bicycle Tourism / 以雲端為基礎之自行車觀光社群服務系統(2011-2014), NSC 100-2632-E-216-001-MY3, NT$ 9,000,000, Co-PI
  37. DCloud: A Distributed Cloud Computing Middleware Research Project(2011-2014), 台達電產學計畫, NTD 2,400,000, Co-PI
  38. 網通技術與觀光應用服務跨領域學程(2011-2014), MOE, NT$ 7,500,000, Co-PI
  39. Dynamic Resource Management and Mapreduce Optimization in Clouds / 雲端系統動態資源管理與MapReduce最佳化研究(2012-2013), NSC101-2918-I-216-001, NTD 627,000, PI
  40. On Accelerating Data Processing in Distributed Multi-Cloud System / 甜甜圈之動態資料處理系統(II)(2012-2013), NSC-101-2221-E-216-004, NT$ 771,000, PI
  41. 行動雲端程式語言原理與系統軟體設計(2012-2013), MOE, 567,000, Co-PI
  42. PARA-雲端環境中虛擬主機動態管理於效能及耗能之研究(2011-2012), NSC-100-2221-E-126-006, NTD 531,000, Co-PI
  43. Personal Cloud – Constructing Ubiquitous and Customized Cloud System / 個人雲-建構無所不在客製化個人雲端平台(2011-2012), NSC 100-2221-E-216-010, NT$ 605,000, PI
  44. Pervasive Computing for Vehicle Telecommunications (2011-2012), MOE, NT$ 1,019,000, PI
  45. Micro IFE (In-Flight-Entertainment) System / 微型飛行娛樂系統 (2011-2012), National Science Council, NSC-100A35, NT$ 2,900,000, Co-PI
  46. On investigations of Self-Detect Server Virtualization system with proactive Fault-Tolerance Mechanism / 大學雲:分散式雲端運算中介軟體-子計畫一: 伺服器虛擬化(2010-2011), NSC 99-2218-E-126-002, NTD 991,000, Co-PI
  47. Multi-Core Programming with GPGPU(2010-2011), MOE, NT$ 1,366,000, PI
  48. UniCloud: A Distributed Cloud Computing Middleware / 大學雲:分散式雲端運算中介軟體--總計畫(2010-2011), NSC 99-2218-E-007-013, NTD 1,349,000, Co-PI
  49. 普及健康服務格網:以格網為基礎之個人健康服務系統(3/3)(2010-2011), NSC 99-2218-E-007-001, NTD 6,176,000, Co-PI
  50. Development of SOA based grid middleware using P2P and Web technologies / 利用P2P技術建構以服務導向架構(SOA)為基礎之輕量化格網系統-子計畫二:應用P2P與Web技術發展以SOA為基礎的格網中介軟體與經濟模型(2008-2011), NSC 97-2628-E-216-006-MY3, NT$ 2,159,000, PI
  51. Research on Communication Optimizations, Broadcastings and QoS Based Scheduling Techniques in Grids and Scalable Parallel Systems / 應用於格網與可擴充平行系統之通訊最佳化, 廣播與品質服務排程技術之研究(2008-2011), NSC 97-2221-E-216-011-MY3, NT$ 1,475,000, PI
  52. Developing an SOA and P2P based Lightweight Grid System (2008-2011), NSC 97-2221-E-001-001-MY3, NTD 2,286,000, Co-PI
  53. Taiwan-Russia Joint Research on Multi-core Parallel Programming(2009-2010), NSC 98-2911-I-216-001, USD$ 30,000, PI
  54. Home-Grid: A Pervasive P2P Based Personal Health-Care Grid System / 普及健康服務格網:以格網為基礎之個人健康服務系統(2/3)(2009-2010), NSC 98-2218-E-007-005, NTD 6,756,000, Co-PI
  55. Cyber-Physical Learning System (2009-2010), Chung Hua University, NT$ 1,080,000, Co-PI
  56. Home-Grid: A Pervasive P2P Based Personal Health-Care Grid System / 普及健康服務格網:以格網為基礎之個人健康服務系統(1/3)(2008-2009), NSC 97-3114-E-007-001, NTD 7,239,000, Co-PI
  57. Medicare-Grid: A Grid Based E-Health System (III) (2007-2008), NSC 96-2218-E-007-007, NTD 6,973,000, Co-PI
  58. Design, Analysis and Implementation of Composite Multiple Resource Scheduler for Heterogeneous Grid Computing / 適應於異質性網格計算環境上複合式資源排程技術之設計與研發(2006-2008), NSC 95-2221-E-216 -011 -MY2, NTD 798,000, PI
  59. Design and Implementation of Communication and I/O Localization Tools for Parallel Applications on Computational Grids / 平行資料程式於計算網格上通訊與I/O局部化研究與應用工具開發(3/3)(2007-2008), NSC 96-2221-E-216 -001, NTD 657,000, PI
  60. Design and Implementation of Communication and I/O Localization Tools for Parallel Applications on Computational Grids / 平行資料程式於計算網格上通訊與I/O局部化研究與應用工具開發(2/3)(2006-2007), NSC 95-2221-E-216 -006, NTD 624,000, PI
  61. Taiwan UniGrid - A University Grid in Taiwan (2005-2007), National Center for High Performance Computing, NT$ 4,040,000, Co-PI
  62. Design and Implementation of Communication and I/O Localization Tools for Parallel Applications on Computational Grids / 平行資料程式於計算網格上通訊與I/O局部化研究與應用工具開發(1/3)(2006-2007), NSC 94-2213-E-216 -012, NTD 354,000, PI
  63. E-health System – Personal and Mobile Services (2007-2009), INSIGHT, National Science Council, NTD 1,165,000, Co-PI
  64. Taiwan-Russia Joint Research on Multi-core Parallel Programming (2007), NSC 096-B02-CON-018-01, NTD 495,000, PI
  65. Medicare-Grid: A Grid Based E-Health System (II) (2006-2007), NSC 95-2218-E-007-025, NTD 6,957,000, Co-PI
  66. Medicare-Grid: A Grid Based E-Health System (I) (2005-2006), NSC 94-2218-E-007-057, NTD 6,866,000, Co-PI
  67. Communication optimization for irregular data redistribution in parallelizing compilers / 平行編譯器中不規則資料重新分佈之訊息產生與通訊最佳化研究(2/2)(2005-2006), NSC 94-2213-E-216-002, NTD 532,000, PI
  68. Communication optimization for irregular data redistribution in parallelizing compilers / 平行編譯器中不規則資料重新分佈之訊息產生與通訊最佳化研究(1/2)(2004-2005), NSC 93-2213-E-216-029, NTD 285,100, PI
  69. Techniques for resource Allocation, job scheduling and data redistribution on heterogeneous networks / 異質性平行計算網路下支援SPMD程式之資源配置工作管理與資料重組技術之研發(II)(2004-2005), NSC 93-2213-E216-028, NTD 522,800, PI
  70. Highly Fault-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks(2004-2005),Chung Hua University, NT$ 1,085,000, Co-PI
  71. 異質性平行計算網路下支援SPMD程式之資源配置工作管理與資料重組技術之研發(I)(2003-2004), NSC 92-2213-E216-003, NTD 371,500, PI
  72. Design and Implementation of Runtime Data Reallocation Techniques for Supporting Parallel Sparse Computation on Distributed- Memory Computing Environments / 分散式記憶體環境下支援平行稀疏計算之動態資料配置技術研發(2/2)(2003-2004), NSC 92-2213-E-216-025, NTD 564,900, PI
  73. Design and Implementation of Runtime Data Reallocation Techniques for Supporting Parallel Sparse Computation on Distributed- Memory Computing Environments / 分散式記憶體環境下支援平行稀疏計算之動態資料配置技術研發(1/2)(2002-2003), NSC 91-2213-E-216-023, NTD 651,300, PI
  74. Design and Implementation of a Secure Active Networks System (2003-2004), Chung Hua University, NT$ 875,000, Co-PI