HLATag: Selection of Tag SNPs for Capturing Human Leukocyte Antigenes


site was last updated 08/13/09

chr6.bmpHuman Leukocyte Antigene (HLA) genes are crucial determinant of transplant rejection and susceptibility to a variety of autoimmune-related diseases. However, large-scale and accurate typing of HLA alleles is laborious and expensive. We developed an algorithm for selecting a small subset of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), called tag SNPs, which is able to capture HLA alleles. The HLA alleles can be indirectly predicted by alleles of these tag SNPs without performing direct HLA typing.



(source: wikipedia)



Huang, Y.-T. and Tsai, C.-C., “HLATag: Selection of Tag SNPs for Capturing Human Leukocyte Antigenes” Manuscript.


A power point presentation



HLATag is implemented in C.


Source code and experimental data: the source code of the two-stage algorithm and the HLA and SNP data sets of all populations are compressed by WinZip.
A binary executable file (HLATag) compiled on Linux platform is also included. You might have to use chmod to make it executable.
A readme file contains instructions for running the program.
Simple usage
scenario: HLATag <Input file> <SNP ID>
and an output file tagSNP.out will be generated.


Input file format: Each row represents the HLA and SNP alleles of a haplotype. The first column stands for the HLA allele. The second column, separated by a tab space, stands for the SNP alleles. Each SNP allele is denoted as 0,1,2,3, and 4, representing missing allele, A, C, G, and T, respectively. For example, given HLA and SNP alleles of five haplotypes, the input file appears as following example:

1801 14112
1801 14113
1702 11342
1702 14142
1703 11313

SNP ID format: a list of SNP IDs in each line, corresponding to each SNP column in the input file.


If you encounter any problem, please contact Yao-Ting Huang (ythuang at cs.ccu.edu.tw).