International Workshop on

Multimedia Artworks Analysis (MMArt 2018)

in conjunction with ICMR 2018
June 11--14, 2018, Yokohama, Japan


MMArt 2018 will be held in conjunction with ACM ICMR 2018. This year we join International Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis (MMArt 2018) and International Workshop on Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia (ACM 2018). Please go directly to the official website: International Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia (MMArt & ACM 2018)


MMArt Topics

In addition to classical art types like paintings, sculpture, music, dance, and movie, new types of artworks emerge as the advancement of social platforms, media capturing devices, and media processing tools. Large volumes of user-generated content or professionally edited content are shared and disseminated on the web. Internet users can browse, comment, edit, and sometimes creatively re-compose this content to generate new media, giving new viewpoints or interesting applications. Novel multimedia artworks, therefore, emerge rapidly in the era of social media and big data. For example, is a social platform where amateur artists/illustrators can share their illustrations/comics, and internet users can annotate, rate, and collect favorite works. The ever increasing amounts of illustrations/comics on this platform give rise to challenges of automatic classification, indexing, and retrieval that have been studied widely in other areas but not this emerging type of artwork.

We encourage theoretical, experimental, and methodological developments to solve the wide range of challenges derived from multimedia artworks in traditional forms like paintings, photos, movies, as well as novel forms like comics, animation, gaming and VR/AR. Topics include, but are not limit to anlaysis and applications of the following areas:


Content synthesis and collaboration; creation of novel artworks; connecting real-world art with digital artworks


Content authoring, composition, summarization, and presentation; multimodality integration

Indexing and retrieval

Novel features and structure to index multimedia artworks; retrieval interface and model; socially-aware analysis


Machine learning for multimedia artworks; classification and pattern recognition for multimedia artworks


Interaction on various devices; user in the loop of computation; human factors in artworks


Dataset development; evaluation of systems for multimedia artworks; design of user study

Novel applications

Novel application scenarios; development of novel challenges and perspectives