Data Structure

The goal of the course is to teach fundamental data structures, which allow one to store collections of data with fast updates and queries. We cover the following topics: linked lists, stacks, queues, search trees, hashing, priority queues, sorting, and graphs.

Advanced Database Systems

This course introduces the key concepts and principles of advanced topics in spatial/temporal database systems, including query processing, indexing, and location privacy protection. This course presents the database information management techniques by providing both the traditional and state-of-the-art approaches. The course materials are drawn from the classic and recent research literature. This class is highly recommended for students with a strong background in essential database systems.

Empirical Methods for Location-based Services

The course introduces the background knowledge about the location-based services and the key concepts of advanced topics in spatial/temporal database systems, query processing, indexing, mobility data management, and location privacy protection for supporting location-based services. This course presents the empirical techniques by providing both the traditional and state-of-the-art approaches. The course materials are drawn from the classic and recent research literature.

Web Applications and Techniques

This course is an overview of the modern web technologies used for web development. The purpose of this course is to give students the basic understanding of how things work in the web world from the technology point of view as well as to give the basic overview of various technologies.