1. 中正大學 TWAREN Giga POP維運中心

2. CCU TWAREN Multicast Project  (4/7~5/4/2004)


[第一代無線感測自走車, 2004] 感測板與通訊板採用國外Crossbow公司的產品 MOTE-KIT 5x4x MICA2 and MICA2DOT Professional Kit,並使用 TinyOS 來撰寫控制程式並結合自行開發的自走車實作出有自主性的行動式無線感測網路。目前已實作出第一個版本的自走車,長寬高為 15×8×5 cm,含電池重量為280g

[第一代無線校園英文行動學習統, 2004] 結合auto-pushing 的觀念, 並以無線通訊技術設計行動學習應用

[第一代 MIP6-MANET 系統, 2004]

"MIP6-MANET: The Integration and Implementation of Mobile IPv6 and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", 2004.(receipt of MC20004 Excellent Paper Award)

[戶外賞蝶系統, 2003-2004] 本研究成果為教育部卓越計畫成果.

Yuh-Shyan Chen, Tai-Chien Kao, Gwo-Jong Yu, and Jang-Ping Sheu, "A Mobile Butterfly-Watching Learning System for Supporting Independent Learning," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, (IEEE WMTE 2004), Taiwan, pp. 11-18, March 2004.

[戶外賞鳥系統, 2000-2003] 本研究成果 為教育部卓越計畫成果,本人為亞卓市鳥園負責人, 行動賞鳥學習系統並技轉到松博學習科技股份有限公司 (民國九十二年十二月十五日至九十七年十二月十四日,共五年).

Yuh-Shyan Chen, Tai-Chien Kao, and Jang-Ping Sheu, "A Mobile Learning System for Scaffolding Bird Watching Learning,"  Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (special issue on "Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education"), Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 347-359, Sep. 2003. (SSCI)