94 學年度第二學期 國立中正大學 資訊工程系  計算機概論 課程內容

Course: Introduction to Computer Science



科目名稱: 計算機概論(二)
科目代碼: 4101006 , 科目班別: 01
授課教師: 陳裕賢
上課時間: 二F四F
上課教室: 工學院A館001


陳裕賢 (Yuh-Shyan Chen)

國立 中正大學資工系 副教授
Office: EA506
Phone: 33115
Email: yschen@cs.ccu.edu.tw

Description (目標)

This course introduces the basic concepts of computers and computer science. This course also introduces the basic skills of programming in the programming language C and basic techniques for solving problems using computers. This course will use Microsoft Visual C++ or Borland C++ as the programming environment.


Teaching Assistants (助教)

Number: 4101009

Time: 第 13, 14 堂 (19:10-21:00).

週一: A B C
週二: D E
週三: F G H
週四: I J


Group A: 魏藩東 (資工所碩一)

Office: EA308

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~lcw90u/grade.htm

Group B: 邱冠霖 (資工所博一)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email: g9234040@pu.edu.tw

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~lcw90u/grade.htm

Group C: 呂振瑋 (資工所碩一)

Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email: lcw90u@cs.ccu.edu.tw
Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~lcw90u/grade.htm

Group D:  莊明晉 (資工所博一)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email: speedboy@gmail.com

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~cpt94/grade.htm

Group E: 陳柏達 (資工所碩一)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email: cpt94@cs.ccu.edu.tw

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~cpt94/grade.htm

Group F: 謝博在 (資工所碩二)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email:  hpt93@cs.ccu.edu.tw

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~lyw94/grade.htm

Group G: 蕭煒翰 (資工所碩二)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email:  hwh93@cs.ccu.edu.tw

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~lyw94/grade.htm

Group H: 廖運偉 (資工所碩一)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email: lyw90u@cs.ccu.edu.tw

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~lyw94/grade.htm

Group I: 詹欣智  (資工所碩二)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email: chc93@cs.ccu.edu.tw

Grade: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~wkl90u/grade.htm

Group J: 吳昆霖 (資工所碩一)
Office: EA301B
Phone: 23123
Email:  wkl90u@cs.ccu.edu.tw 

Grade:  http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~wkl90u/grade.htm




Textbook (教科書)

C How to Program (Introducing C++ and Java)

Authors:   DEITEL & DEITEL

Book Agency: 全華書局

Exams (考試)

Lecture Notes (講義)

Chapter 11: File Processing E

Chapter 12: Data Structure

Chapter 13: C Preprocessor 

Chapter 14: Advanced C Topics

Part II: C++ Language

Chapter 15: C++ as a "Better C"  

Chapter 16: C++ Classes and Data Abstraction

Chapter 17: C++ Classes: Part II

Chapter 18: C++ Operator Overloading

Chapter 19: C++ Inheritance

Chapter 20: C++ Virtual Functions and Polymorphism

Chapter 22: C++ Templates


Chapter 11: C File Processing PDF


科目名稱: 計算機概論實習(二)
科目代碼: 4101008
授課教師: 陳裕賢
上課時間: 三13,14
上課教室: 工學院A館509


Program Comment Format (程式註解格式)

Week 1:  Try to write a C program to read/write sequential-access files and perform a sorting procedure.

(1) Assume that you have an original data file "A. dat" with the following context.

                        Account        Name           Balance

                        300                White              0.00

                        200                Doe             345.67

                        100               Jones            24.98

                        500               Rich             224.62

                        400               Stone           -224.62

(2) Try to read the all records from file "A.dat" and sort all the records based the on record key (Account), and write the sorted records to a new created file "B.dat", as follows.

                        Account        Name           Balance

                        100               Jones            24.98

                        200                Doe             345.67

                        300                White              0.00

                        400               Stone          -224.62

                        500               Rich             224.62

Week 2: Try to create a random-access file "C.dat" to store same records in Week 1, you may use the Account as the record key, and then print out all records from the random-access file "C.dat" based on the record key Account.

Week 3: (週二開始) Write a program to create a linked list with n nodes such that the linked list maintains a sorted data (characters) by the ascending order, where each node records a character. First, you print out all characters from the original linked list.  Then, write an insert_node function to insert a new node into the suitable place of the sorted linked list. Finally, print out all characters from the modified linked list after inserting a new node into the original linked list.

Week 4: (週二開始) Follow your program in Week 3, further write a delete_node function to delete a node from the linked list. Finally, print out all characters from the modified linked list after deleting a node.

Week 5: (週二開始) Modify your program in weeks 3 and 4 to write enqueue (insert) and dequeue (delete) functions by linked list to implement the queue data structure.

Week 6: (週二開始) Write a program to create a binary search tree, where the input data sequence is 27, 13, 17, 42, 56, 23, 72, 33, 48, and 6. Then, print out the results by the preorder, inorder, and postorder tree traversal.


Week 7: (週二開始) (Parameters in main function) Write a '_copy.c' program and learn how to compile to be a executable file, _copy.com or _copy.exe.  This produces a self-defined _copy command file. You may copy a file by using your developed _copy executable file. For example, if you have a existing file, namely A.dat, then you may enter the following command in the MS-DOS mode.

                          C:> _copy   A.dat    B.dat

       Then, you may have a copied file, namely B.dat, in your disk. Note that, A.dat can be a binary file.

Week 8: (週二開始) Try to produce multiple source files by three separate files. First one is the declaration of all possible classes in file A.h. Second one is for the implementation of all member functions in all classes, which have been declared in A.h,  and put all implementations in file implement1.cpp. The third one is the main program and related functions, you may use file main.cpp.  Try to use the above method of multiple source files to write a simple sorting operation.

(a) You may declare sort classes in A.h. 

(b) All related sorting member functions (using bubble sort) are defined in implement1.cpp, and try to have a second version of sorting member functions (for instance quick sorting), where are defined in file  implement2.cpp

(c) The main program in the main.cpp.

Try to compile all of the source files, and linked all object-code files together and finally  execute it by two kinds of multiple source files:

(i)  implement1.cpp (A.h) + main.cpp (A.h),

(ii)  implement2.cpp (A.h) + main.cpp (A.h).

Week 9:  (週二開始) Using this pointer to exercise the cascaded member function calls. For example, 

                 t.setHour(1).setMinute(2).setSecond(3) ; // Teaching example in fig17_08.cpp

 Try to perform the 2-dimensional matrix-multiplication operation by using the cascaded member function calls. For example,


Finally, you need to provide a get function to print out the result of D array, where D array is the private data in the Matrix class.

//  You must declare a Matrix class, and then to create a matrix object.

//  In Matrix class, you have a Matrix constructor member function and ~Matrix destructor

// member function. Matrix constructor should initialize a D array  to set all element be 1.

// You have three two-dimensional array (matrix)  A, B, C in main program.

// The first matrix.matrix_multiplication(A) performs D = D * A, where D is the private data.

// The second matrix.matrix_multiplication(B) performs D = D * B, where D is the private data.

// The third matrix.matrix_multiplication(c) performs D = D * C, where D is the private data.

Week 10:  (週二開始) Try to use the C++ Operator Overloading, write the '+' operator function.


  HugeInteger bigInteger(999999999999999999);

  int integer = 1;

         bigInteger = integer + bigInteger;

     // or     bigInteger = biginteger + integer;

                     cout << " The sum is " <<  bigInteger ;

Week 11:  (週二開始)  Try to use the public inheritance to write the overriding base-class members in a derived class.  Try to define the base class, Employee class, and derived class, HourlyWorker class. The print member function in Employee class just only print out the first and last names of an Employee object. The print function (overriding base-class members) in HourlyWorker class, including calling the based class's print function and print out the pay of an HourlyWorker object.

Week 12:  (Exercise 20.14, 週二開始, 週三的同學下週三一起 demo)  In Exercise 19.12, you developed a Shape class hierarchy and defined the classes in the hierarchy. Modify the hierarchy so that class Shape is an abstract base class containing the interface to the hierarchy. Derive TwoDimensionalShape and ThreeDimensionalShape from class Shape -- these classes should also be abstract. Use a  virtual print function to ouptut the type and dimensions of each class. Also include virtual area and volume functions so these calculations can be performed for objects of each concrete class in hierarchy. Write a driver program that tests the Shape class hierarchy.

Week 13: (週二開始, 本學期最後一次) Try to use the class/function template for the sorting operation. Using your designed sorting class template, you may sort data object with double and int type.  


成績若有疑問, 請於下週二 6/27 中午 12:00 之前找我  check, 過了時限, 不再修正,

要求加分者不需要來找我 (尤其是加完分數之後不及格, 尤其是 58, 59 分的同學),

因為我已經統一加總分了 5 分, (參加程式比賽的同學再另外加 2 分).

新修正成績 (09:42 am, 6/27)

系所 學號 姓名 期中考 期末考 實習 總分 平均   調分後
哲學系 491125046   36 45 92 173 61   66
資工系 491410087   56 45 69 170 58   63
資工系 492410050   90 64 58 212 69   74
資工系 492410096   0 0 0 0 0   5
資工系 492410103   35 50 0(未修習) 85 43   48
資工系 492410108   80 72 80 232 78   83
資管系 492530002   85 88 89 262 88   93
資工系 493210026   97 85 91 273 91   96
資工系 493410001   62 60 81 203 69   74
資工系 493410011   70 70 87 227 77   82
資工系 493410017   75 58 86 219 74   79
資工系 493410020   0 0 0 0 0   5
資工系 493410023   57 65 59 181 60   65
資工系 493410024   83 53 79 215 72   77
資工系 493410030   45 50 91 186 65   70
資工系 493410039   90 78 84 252 84   89
資工系 493410043   0 0 0 0 0 棄選 0
資工系 493410054   25 0 0 25 8   13
資工系 493410057   98 58 73 229 76   81
資工系 493410066   0 0 0 0 0   5
資工系 493410067   74 48 80 202 69   74
資工系 493410069   101 67 75 243 80   85
資工系 493410083   46 0 41 87 30   35
資工系 493410085   86 58 74 218 73   78
資工系 493410086   73 41 91 205 71   76
資工系 493410087   66 58 91 215 74   79
資工系 493410089   56 68 90 214 73   78
資工系 493410094   60 46 70 176 60   65
資工系 493410096   56 33 92 181 64   69
資工系 493410099   47 30 83 160 56   61
資工系 493410102   81 67 89 237 80   85
經濟學系 493510005   85 60 88 233 79   84
犯防系 493725032   43 54 93 190 66   71
哲學系 494125022   89 58 94 241 82   87
哲學系 494125032   54 77 94 225 77   82
資工系 494410001   65 36 83 184 64 程式比賽 71
資工系 494410002   94 56 85 235 79 程式比賽 86
資工系 494410003   74 58 92 224 76   81
資工系 494410004   106 71 84 261 87   92
資工系 494410005   45 55 86 186 64   69
資工系 494410006   82 63 89 234 79   84
資工系 494410007   102 82 91 275 92   97
資工系 494410008   84 29 73 186 63   68
資工系 494410009   49 70 54 173 57   62
資工系 494410010   71 46 85 202 69 程式比賽 76
資工系 494410011   48 66 92 206 71   76
資工系 494410012   67 30 78 175 60   65
資工系 494410013   51 54 53 158 53   58
資工系 494410014   96 84 88 268 89 程式比賽 96
資工系 494410015   94 80 92 266 89   94
資工系 494410016   88 38 90 216 74 程式比賽 81
資工系 494410018   59 83 86 228 77 程式比賽 84
資工系 494410019   83 68 89 240 81   86
資工系 494410020   100 72 90 262 88   93
資工系 494410021   45 48 81 174 60   65
資工系 494410022   82 45 80 207 70   75
資工系 494410023   58 15 88 161 57   62
資工系 494410026   44 0 79 123 45   50
資工系 494410027   67 63 89 219 75   80
資工系 494410028   79 55 84 218 74 程式比賽 81
資工系 494410029   88 29 91 208 72 程式比賽 79
資工系 494410030   78 68 83 229 77 程式比賽 84
資工系 494410031   104 81 94 279 93   98
資工系 494410032   82 15 75 172 59   64
資工系 494410033   46 53 94 193 67   72
資工系 494410034   88 78 85 251 84   89
資工系 494410035   96 78 89 263 88 程式比賽 95
資工系 494410036   77 81 93 251 85   90
資工系 494410037   69 64 89 222 76   81
資工系 494410038   68 13 80 161 56   61
資工系 494410039   79 2 87 168 59   64
資工系 494410040   70 82 76 228 76   81
資工系 494410041   75 71 94 240 81   86
資工系 494410042   64 45 85 194 67   72
資工系 494410043   85 56 89 230 78   83
資工系 494410044   0 0 5 5 2 棄選 7
資工系 494410045   76 86 90 252 85   90
資工系 494410046   92 74 89 255 85   90
資工系 494410047   100 71 94 265 89 程式比賽 96
資工系 494410048   78 58 90 226 77   82
資工系 494410049   106 59 93 258 87 程式比賽 94
資工系 494410050   92 24 47 163 54   59
資工系 494410051   101 77 95 273 91 程式比賽 98
資工系 494410052   34 42 57 133 46 程式比賽 53
資工系 494410053   89 72 84 245 82   87
資工系 494410054   102 75 90 267 89   94
資工系 494410056   87 72 93 252 85 程式比賽 92
資工系 494410057   72 69 93 234 80   85
資工系 494410058   88 57 89 234 79   84
資工系 494410059   87 44 65 196 65   70
資工系 494410060   64 63 91 218 75   80
資工系 494410061   37 10 41 88 31   36
資工系 494410062   90 72 78 240 80   85
資工系 494410063   83 60 92 235 80   85
資工系 494410064   84 50 81 215 73   78
資工系 494410066   99 78 90 267 89   94
資工系 494410067   98 79 91 268 90   95
資工系 494410068   105 83 94 282 94   99
資工系 494410070   96 68 88 252 84   89
資工系 494410071   65 66 91 222 76   81
資工系 494410072   100 66 91 257 86   91
資工系 494410073   99 40 91 230 78   83
資工系 494410074   57 76 85 218 74   79
資工系 494410076   94 61 85 240 81   86
資工系 494410077   99 76 91 266 89   94
資工系 494410078   99 20 90 209 72   77
資工系 494410079   68 54 88 210 72   77
資工系 494410080   34 34 74 142 50   55
資工系 494410081   89 48 91 228 78   83
資工系 494410082   83 57 81 221 74   79
資工系 494410083   90 73 92 255 86   91
資工系 494410085   35 20 90 145 53   58
資工系 494410086   88 58 88 234 79   84
資工系 494410087   99 70 91 260 87   92
資工系 494410088   74 45 92 211 73   78
資工系 494410089   94 69 93 256 86   91
資工系 494410090   92 66 91 249 84   89
資工系 494410092   92 49 74 215 72   77
資工系 494410093   83 59 91 233 79   84
資工系 494410094   57 77 91 225 77   82
資工系 494410097   59 46 90 195 68   73
資工系 494410098   93 52 89 234 79   84
成教系 494710021   72 68 87 227 77   82
資工系 493410021   0(未修 ) 60 68 68 68   68
資工系 494410095   0(未修 ) 0 91 91 91   91
    平均 72.99187 53.936 80.201613