PDPTA'99 Codesign Session

List of ACCEPTED papers

Presentation Order Suggested by Session Organizer

13 papers from 9 different countries had been accepted for the session.
2 papers were withdrawn. 11 papers will be presented.

Important Note for Authors

  1. Incremental Cospecification Using Objects and Joint Actions
    Risto Pitkanen and Harri Klapuri
    Tampere University of Technology
  2. Codesign Requires Closed-System Specifications
    Tommi Mikkonen
    Tampere University of Technology
  3. Functional Specification of Distributed Digital Image Processing Systems by Process Interface Descriptions
    Wolfgang Bossung, Sorin Alexander Huss, Stephan Klaus, and Lars Wehmeyer
    Darmstadt University of Technology
  4. Galois lattice Approach to Hardware/Software Partitioning
    Romain Kamdem and Patrick Njiwoua
    CNRS-IBSM-IFR1 Universite D'Artois
  5. A Case Study in Codesign of Distributed Systems -- Vehicle Parking Management System
    Trong-Yen Lee, Pao-Ann Hsiung*, and Sao-Jie Chen
    Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
    * Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
  6. Design Process and Tools for the HW/SW-Codesign and Rapid-Prototyping of Parallel and Heterogenous Real-Time Communication Systems
    Frank Slomka, Mathias Dorfel, Simone Spitz, Richard Hofmann
    University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  7. Models of Computation for Specification and Design Methodology Frameworks for Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Embedded Multiprocessor Signal Processing Systems
    Randall Janka
    Georgia Institute of Technology
  8. Combining different Models of Computation for Cosimulation of Heterogeneous Systems
    Christian Kreiner, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiss
    Institute for Technical Informatics
    Graz University of Technology,
  9. Multithreading-Based CoVerification Technique of HW/SW systems
    M. Azizi, E.-M. Aboulhamid and S. Tahar(*)
    University of Montreal (*)Concordia University
  10. Hardware-Software Coverification of Distributed Embedded Systems
    Jih-Ming Fu and Sao-Jie Chen
    National Taiwan University
  11. Hardware-Software Partition with Microcontrollers and CPLDs: A Case Study
    Walter Soto Encinas Junior and Edson do Santos Moreira
    Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP
    Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas e de Computacao, USP
Last Updated: Jun 7, 1999