Hardware-Software Partition with Microcontrollers and CPLDs: A Case Study

Walter Soto Encinas Jnior and Edson dos Santos Moreira


This paper describes an experiment on designing a 3-axies displacement reading system for a micrometric placement equipment in which one explores techniques of co-design and hardware-software partitioning. The most important guideline to this project is low cost. Microcontrollers and programmable logic devices are used aiming at the optimal performance/cost relationship. The project uses formal description of the system to help the implementation of hardware and software tasks. It shows some alternative implementations, clarifying by comparison, the partitioning decisions taken and the efficiency of the final architecture. Some results are presented at the end of paper.

Related URLs: http://www.icmc.sc.usp.br/lasd/, http://www.intermidia.icmc.sc.usp.br/