Color CENTRIST: A Color Descriptor for Scene Categorization

Wei-Ta Chu and Chih-Hao Chen

Multimedia Computing Laboratory
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Chung Cheng University

1. Introduction

We design a method to incorporate color information into the framework of CENsus Transform histogram (CENTRIST), a state-of-the-art visual descriptor for scene categorization. The newly proposed color CENTRIST descriptor describes global shape information by not only gradient derived from intensity values but also color variations between pixels in local image patches. Through extensive evaluations on various datasets, we demonstrate that the color CENTRIST descriptor is not only easily to be implemented, but also reliably achieves performance over that of CENTRIST.

2. Software (updated at 2012/4/4)

3. Citation

Wei-Ta Chu and Chih-Hao Chen, Color CENTRIST: A Color Descriptor for Scene Categorization, ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2012.

Bibtex entry of our papers are:
@InProceedings{ Chu_Chen_2012,
title = "Color CENTRIST: A Color Descriptor for Scene Categorization",
booktitle = ¡§ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR)¡¨,
author = "Wei-Ta Chu and Chih-Hao Chen",
year = "2012"

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Last Updated: April 5, 2012