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Interactive Guidance and Navigation for Facilitating Image-Based 3D Modeling〔為促成影像為基底的三維建模之互動式指導系統〕

We present an interactive guidance and navigation system that assists users in acquiring pictures for image based 3D modeling. To reconstruct an object’s 3D model, users follow our instruction to take a set of images for an object in different angles; we therefore calculate their relative viewing positions and spare point cloud data using structure from motion technique. After we obtain sufficient number of images, we use Patch-based Multi-View Stereo (PMVS) software to generate dense point cloud data. When displaying dense point cloud, we provide user an interface to eliminate those noise data points yielded from background construction or re-projection errors. Afterwards we reconstruct surface mesh as output. Our system provides informative message for failure while calculating camera poses and helps user how to resolve those problems. Furthermore, we assess the quality of camera poses reconstruction and generated point cloud to reveal the lack of angles for captured images and guide user to remedy those information.

SUMMARY (中文總結):


1. 導引使用者取得照片

2. 重建3D模型

3. 估算物體尺寸

PROJECT MATERIAL: (picture gallery, video, software demo, talk slides, etc.)
  • D.S.M. Liu and T.L. Chang, Interactive guidance and navigation for facilitating image-based 3D modeling, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Plzen, Czech Republic, June 2014.