聲音分析 頻率分布 物理模擬及應用展示
Synthesizing Real-Time Collision Sound in Virtual Reality 〔虛擬環境中的即時碰撞聲音合成〕

Sound simulation has increasingly impacted recent computer graphics research; it aims at simulating realistic sound in virtual realities. In traditional applications such as computer animations, movies, and flight simulators, sound comes from dubbing or post-production. Such methods require huge effort and large quantities of storage; they inevitably yield inconsistencies between sound and animation. Here we aim to produce a more realistic virtual environment and optimize time cost in producing contact sound using our new proposed methods.

Contact sound positions and magnitudes are determined according to object’s shape and external force. Sound frequency and amplitude is computed using results from Fourier analysis, with quality scaling. Our system provides reasonable collision sound under interactive rates, and can be further accelerated with SIMD instructions or other hardware acceleration architectures.

SUMMARY (中文總結):



1. 聲音分析元件

2. 物理模擬元件

3. 聲音合成元件

4. 聲音傳播元件
從聲音產生元件取得原始聲波後,我們設定聽者與音源的位置、移動方位等資訊,並根據物體與聽者的距離調整聲音衰減程度;此外根據物體與聽者之間的速度關係模擬都普勒效應(Doppler Effect),計算出左右喇叭輸出的音量產生空間音效效果。

PROJECT MATERIAL: (picture gallery, video, software demo, talk slides, etc.)
  • D.S.M. Liu, T.W. Cheng, and Y.C. Hsieh, Synthesizing physics-based vortex and collision sound in virtual reality, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6939, eds. G. Bebis et al, pp. 190-198. The 7th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 2011. (SCI, EI)