
Rule-based compositions.

Operator 1.

Operator 2.

Operator 3.

Operator 4.

Our results.

Optimizing Aesthetic-based Photo Retargeting



Capabilities of camera are becoming more diverse. Photography is an art based on light, and its results are impacted on using the light directly. Modern cameras have automatic white balance, auto exposure and auto focus functions, so that we can easily take good photos with right exposure and focus setting. However, a nice photo depends not only on light used, its composition is also an important factor. Because the camera cannot know how to use the composition concept of photos, we therefore exploit the state-of-the-art retargeting technique to adjust photos for conforming the aesthetic composition.

Color processing on photos does not destroy the original structure or details, and the related works are becoming mature; consequently we only have to focus on photo composition issues. For common retargeting methods, the subjects of photo must be preserved completely. The compound operator method for photo retargeting has become more popular, but they do not examine the photo content, and therefore explore the suitable techniques. They use one kind or a combination of multiple techniques to get the ideal photos, which limits the types of photos that can be processed. Instead, our approach can use suitable retargeting techniques, and coordinate the composition of original photos to make the photos conform the aesthetic rules.

For the requirements of users, the photo types in our system apply not only to single photo but also to group photo, this part has not been explored in existing literature. We analyze the common rules of composition, and propose the rules applied to suit group photos. Besides, the photos are adjusted based on the human face. Because the faces always catch our eyes more than other parts. Finally, we conduct an objective user study to verify our system. We believe that using the development of our research, everyone can take an ideal photo.


SUMMARY (中文總結):






1.      取得照片資訊

首先利用最新技術找出照片中的顯著區域(Salient region),其中使用到Face detectionSaliency detectionSegmentation等技術,在顯著線段(prominent line)則用Hough transform來偵測,有了這些資訊我們可以進行後續的動作。

2.      判斷構圖規則

在整理了常見的構圖規則,並透過第一個步驟取得的照片結構資訊,我們以三分構圖和對角線構圖為主,發展出一套機制(Rule-based compositions),來判斷最合適的構圖和最合適的操作方式。

3.      以美學為基本的重新定位

這步驟開始調整照片的構圖,我們結合Seam carvingScalingImage completion的技術,發展出四種操作方式,這種複合的方式比起使用單一技術,更能有效用在照片調整。

4.      評估美學品質



  • D.S.M. Liu and C.C. Huang, Optimizing aesthetic-based photo retargeting, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The International Symposium on Smart Graphics, Chengdu, China, August 2015.