Technical Writing and Communication in English 科技英文寫作與溝通技巧
Fall 2024

 Instructor: 劉 興 民                 Head Teaching Assistant 首席助教
Lectures: Mon, Wed 16:15-17:30            郭曼玲
          工學院A館001教室                工學院A館410室
Office:   工學院A館403室                  分機23153
Phone:    分機33118

This class is designed to help students to write and communicate clearly, accurately and effectively in a professional or academic technical environment. In class, we will address many of the common problems of non-native writers of technical English.

Course includes an introduction to various forms of technical writing (such as resumes, research proposals, technical reports, oral presentations, journal papers, or theses / dissertations) with emphasis on clarity and conciseness. Articles selected from Computer Science curriculum help provide students with the structure and conventional use of English language in scientific methods. In addition, short writing assignments and technical documents are critiqued for application of technical style, organization, and correct grammar and mechanics.

Class members will occasionally be responsible for leading group discussions and for short oral presentations. Constructive participation in the group analyses, discussions and speaking exercises that take place in class is crucial to the learning process and to the success of the class. As a result, regular attendance and timely completion of assignments are requirements.

The medium of instruction is English. In order to guarantee sufficient attention to student writing and substantial opportunity for oral expression, an enrollment cap (12) is considered to ensure optimal class size. No listeners are accepted.

  • Writing for Computer Science, Justin Zobel, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 1-85233-802-4. [Essential]
  • An English Style Approach for Chinese Technical Writers 精通科技論文(報告)寫作之捷徑, Ted Knoy 柯泰德, Revised Edition, 清蔚科技, ISBN: 957-524-200-9. [Supplementary]
  • The Elements of Style, William Strunk Jr., and E.B. White, 4th Edition, Pearson Allyn & Bacon/Longman Publishers, ISBN: 0-205-31342-6. [Supplementary]
  • How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper, Robert Day and Barbara Gastel, 6th Edition, Greenwood Publishing Group, ISBN: 0-313-33040-9. [Supplementary]
  • Technical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English, Thomas Huckin and Lesley Olsen, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-030825-X. [Supplementary]
  • The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication, James Paradis and Muriel Zimmerman, 2nd Edition, MIT Press, ISBN: 0-262-66127-6. [Supplementary]
  • Sandy's Journey to Stanford 前進史丹佛 : 7年級女生Sandy之美國高中見識, Sandy Yu 于千芸, Beta Multimedia Publishing 貝塔語言, ISBN: 957-729-296-8. [Supplementary]
  • A Trip to the United States 留美會話專集, Ruth Pao-yu Li 李保玉, Revised Edition, Ruth Publishing Company 鷺鷥語言, ISBN: 0-937132-79-9. [Supplementary]
  • 華樂絲學術英文編修, Steve Wallace 史蒂芬•華樂絲, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University. 國立交通大學電機學院與資訊學院提昇英文能力訓練課程
  • Indicative Topics
    1. Colloquial habits in writing
    2. Resumes & job letters
    3. Kinds of research publication
    4. Oral presentations
    5. Style in technical writing
    6. Being concise
    1. Using the active voice
    2. Being accurate in wording
    3. Using parallelism
    4. Eliminate modifier problems
    5. Organization of a paper
    6. Punctuation & grammar
    1. Proposals & progress reports
    2. Mathematics
    3. Figures & tables
    4. Algorithms
    5. Writing up
    6. Ethics

    Recitation, conversation, and in-class copyediting practice [5%]; Midterm [30%]; Final [25%]; Grammar / vocabulary quizzes [5%]; Short assignments / formal papers [15%]; Peer editing [10%]; Punctuality, attendance, and participation in discussions [10%].
    These weights are tentative and subject to future adjustment.
    為鼓勵大學部同學修習本科目,對其將採取不同的評分標準: 1) 大學部同學的修課人數將獨立,不納入修課總人數來計算; 2) 大學部同學的學期個人總成績,將依據其他研究所同學調整之後的分數, 向上再提昇至少2至5分 (但以99分為上限)。

    Frequently Asked Questions 常見問題集

    Course Repository 課業倉儲

    Discussion Board 課程討論區