1. 工學院優秀論文獎 (在其領域影響指數響指數Impact Factor排名10% 以內), 國立中正大學•工學院, December 2023.

  2. 科技部研究獎勵, Faculty Merit and Research Award Program. (8/2023 to 1/2024; 8/2022 to 1/ 2023). 國立中正大學•研究發展處•學術發展組•特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵

  3. 教師獎勵 (學術期刊論文獎勵金), Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations (AIM-HI), The Featured Areas Research Center Program within the framework of the Higher Education Sprout Project by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan, (December 2022; December 2020). 國立中正大學•前瞻製造系統研究中心•教育部補助高等教育深耕計畫

  4. 教師獎勵 (學術期刊論文獎勵金), 8/2021 to 1/2022. 國立中正大學•工學院•學術期刊論文獎勵

  5. 教學優良獎 (課程:物件導向程式設計), 國立中正大學•教務處, December 2020.

  6. 2019人工智慧黑客松競賽•佳作: 自駕車•基於光達與視訊之高解析度場景深度預測, Supervisor (of Bo-Wei Su蘇柏瑋), August 2019.

  7. Virtual Reality Battle•虛擬實境技術與應用組• 2019 Computer Graphics Workshop•第二名: 虛擬實境空手道訓練系統, Supervisor (of Bo-Hen Lin林柏亨, Yu-Chia Lai賴佑家), June 2019.

  8. Distinguished Paper Award Winner, International Conference on Technology, Engineering, Science, and Application, Fukuoka, Japan, April 2019. Winning paper: Building recognition from architectural photos collection (joint work with S.H. Yang). 獲頒傑出論文獎

  9. 教學優良獎 (課程:資料庫系統), 國立中正大學•教務處, December 2018.

  10. Distinguished Paper Award Winner, International Conference on Engineering, Science and Applications, Tokyo, Japan, August 2018. Winning paper: Kinect-based training assistant for basketball dribbling (joint work with W.L. Ting). 獲頒傑出論文獎

  11. 教學優良獎 (課程:物件導向程式設計), 國立中正大學•教務處, December 2015.

  12. 2013第18屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽•International ICT Innovative Services Contest 2013•第三名: 裸視 3D 互動模型投影系統, Supervisor (of Meng-Yu Kuo郭孟妤, Kai-Ching Chang張凱晶, Chung-Wei Wu吳仲偉), November 2013.

  13. 2012第17屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽•International ICT Innovative Services Contest 2012•佳作: Kinect輔助觸控投影系統, Supervisor (of Chung-Yi Kao高仲毅, Yi-Chih Chen陳易志, Yi-Lan Lin林義嵐, Tse-Hung Lin林澤宏, and Yi-En Wan萬怡恩), December 2012.

  14. Outstanding Paper Award Winner, IADIS International Conference on Web Virtual Reality and Three-Dimensional Worlds, Freiburg, Germany, July 2010. Winning paper: Using mobile device for remote image-based walkthrough (joint work with C.I. Cheng and C.H. Liu). 獲頒傑出論文獎

  15. Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 25th Silver Anniversary Edition, November 2007. 榮登於國際名人錄